Bridge road school 'Focus of the week'.
The Bridge Road School 'Focus of the week' provides an important opportunity for teachers, students and the entire Bridge road school community to work together effectively to create an environment in which every student is given the opportunity to learn, develop, grow and flourish both academically and emotionally.
The 'Focus of the week' introduces a new focus at the start of each school week. Every Monday morning assembly a Bridge road teacher addresses the students about the particular focus for that week, role playing, giving examples and opening up discussions regarding that focus. Through focusing on topics like being responsible, owning behaviours, respect and being in the right place at the right time helps students develop confidence, social skills, respect, strength and resilience. It involves teaching behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned over time.
Families are important members of our school's community because:
- when we work together toward a common goal of helping children to be successful, it is much more likely to happen
- we believe all our Bridge Road families have valuable insight and information on how their children learn best and what they need to learn
- Bridge road staff are available to support their students at home in learning and in developing social-emotional and behavioural skills
- our school's aim is to actively communicate with our families so they understand and support the PBL process and work together with us at home on things like the 'Focus of the week'
- all families benefit from learning how to use similar strategies at home for teaching and supporting their children's social and behaviour skills.